Network Systems & Cyber Security
Students enrolled in the Network Systems & Cyber Security program will study theory and practical development of network systems. The curriculum is based on industry proven labs and content to facilitate the development of technical skills and expand each student's knowledge of how internetworking is accomplished in today's world. We partner with industry leaders Cisco Networking Academy and CompTIA TestOut to provide online content for students to study throughout their time at York Tech. Students will also engage in practical cyber security defensive networking and system configuration during their senior year, and they will be expected to apply their experiences by managing some of York Tech's inter-classroom security devices.
Possible Certifications
IT Fundamentals
OSHA Certification
Students at York Tech are required to wear a uniform. Upper garments (shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) must be purchased through the school's Tech Gear Store. Lower apparel and safety equipment varies by program. The specific uniform requirements for Network Systems & Cyber Security can be downloaded using this link.
Potential Career Opportunities

What to Expect
Students interested in this program will take courses in Computer Programming & Interactive Media, Electronics & IT Support, and Network Systems & Cyber Security for the first two school years. After sophomore year, students will apply for full-time entrance into one of the three programs, and they will be accepted based on merit and other criteria. Students who are not approved for their first choice will be assigned to one of the other two programs included in the rotation.